by default I recommend mounting all shares beneath /shares and configure them using the path property.some available options are Xserve, PowerBook, PowerMac, Macmini, iMac, MacBook, MacBookPro, MacBookAir, MacPro, MacPro6,1, TimeCapsule, AppleTV1,1 and AirPort.optional model value of avahi afp service (get's overwritten by global config)." path=/shares/tc-bob valid users = bob vol size limit = 100000 time machine = yes"." path=/shares/myshare valid users = alice invalid users = bob ".note only one time machine = yes is supported.take a look at -> EXPLANATION OF VOLUME PARAMETERS.multiple variables/confgurations possible by adding unique configname to NETATALK_VOLUME_CONFIG_.

adds a new netatalk volume configuration.valid users = alice invalid users = bob.to restrict access of volumes you can add the following to your samba volume config:.
#Netatalk github password
(password: password) use normal linux password hash (from /etc/shadow etc.) $6$TBPgQoB2kmijMzsi$xdmXI1Z2zIwtuKbLDKjLLvMdWvqRf2cf6aryLJB3pVrIqaEWNH8VOglLIJMYMz6mBSJ5WsLDa5T7i86gmnPAc. either you add a simple plaintext password as value (can't start with $.$ or it will be detected as hash).adds a new user account with the given username and the env value as password or password hash.add any global netatalk config to afp.conf.

Environment variables and defaults Netatalk If you want simple filesharing I'd recommend samba, webdav or other stuff.Īpple announced to deprecate afp and move to samba. So for TimeMachine I can recommend using this container.